This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Increase UK green energy investment in geothermal sources
For every kilometre drilled into earth, the temperature increases by 25-30 degrees Celsius. The deeper the holes the hotter and more constant the temperature. This can power both heating systems and electrical energy production 100% of the time.
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Green energy is our future. Recently gas supply scares mean we are not 100% energy capable. Geothermal energy is 24/7. Not depending on sun or wind. Installed can run for 100 years almost maintenance free and not require much pumps capacity. In COP26 the UK could commit 'cross party' to this being the focus of investment creating jobs and the global expertise on this industry. These don't leave us with unsightly installations (solar/wind) 1 system every 60km sq. in the UK would power all homes.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months