We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Make it illegal for a lone police officer to arrest an unaccompanied woman

In light of recent events involving police officers engaging in criminal activities, and having struggled to think of any way I would have behaved differently if faced by a similar situation, it should be made illegal for a lone police officer to be able to arrest a woman who is on her own.

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Murders of women occur on a far too frequent basis however this is the first time where I haven't been able to say I would have done anything differently to what a victim did. People should be able to trust police officers, but have limited options for protecting themselves if confronted by a police officer. We believe the only way to protect women is for lone officers being prevented from being able to arrest a woman who is by themselves. Two police officers must be present for such an arrest.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

110 signatures

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