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Closed petition Give right to vote and stand as MPs to Nepali citizens living in the UK

Despite Nepal and the UK having a rich, shared history and close ties between the two countries for over 200 years going back to the World War I when Nepali men, the Gurkhas, joined the British army; Nepali citizens living in the UK are not allowed to vote or stand in election.

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Following the successful campaign of settlement rights for the Gurkhas in 2000s, thousands of Gurkhas and their families have been settled in the UK. Similarly there are a good number other Nepali citizens settled permanently, working or studying in the UK.

The Irish and commonwealth citizens have the right to vote and stand in election. There is no reason why it cannot be extended to Nepali citizens. The government should grant the right to vote and stand in election to Nepali citizens.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

28 signatures

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