Rejected petition raise the money for disabled people of all disabilities it’s not enough

Actually consider more money for disabled people instead of leaving us behind what we get now is not enough and trying to actually get it is near impossible because the system is not clear or well thought out

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For me personally I can’t work I have multiple sclerosis and all I get is pip and universal credit and that doesn’t Evan come too £700 a month I can barely survive atall and I won’t be the only one there will be thousands and it’s not fair u want to raise wages but what about us we should have our benafits put up too its all good for a priminister or mp to stand there and say they understand but they don’t and enough is enough

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action.

We understand that you are concerned about disability payments, but we're not sure exactly what you'd like the Government or Parliament to do.

You could have a petition calling for benefits for disabled people to be increased, or a fund to provide additional financial support for people with disabilities, if that is something you'd like to happen.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.