This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Fund a public awareness campaign on epilepsy

Fund an awareness campaign which includes guidance on epileptic seizures and how to help in public places.

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After suffering a tonic-clonic seizure in Edinburgh where I fell onto the tram tracks, I was amazed at how little people knew of epilepsy. I want the Government to ensure more literature and posters are in public places giving people information on how to deal with seizures just like CPR.

1 in every 100 people in the UK have epilepsy. Yet, little is known about how to help someone if they have a seizure. Government can change this by funding a campaign on what to do if someone has a seizure in public places. As someone with epilepsy, I'm amazed at how little public spaces offer detailed information. This needs to change so people like me know they can be safe.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

57 signatures

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