We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Ban alcohol on TV until after the watershed

I believe it is vital to ban all advertising of alcohol, both through direct adverts and indirectly such as in soaps or morning TV shows before the 9pm ‘watershed’. We are feeding our future generations that drinking is normal, humorous and that it can be the 'fix' for all emotions.

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The rising number of alcohol-related deaths and hospital admissions is shocking and yet, unlike cigarettes that are now not advertised and are sold from behind screens, we still see supermarkets lined with alcohol, often including deals, its purchase seemingly limitless and its presence on daytime TV a stark reminder that we are continuing to support the normalisation and acceptability to drinking. It’s time to look responsibly to the future to save our society from addiction and its consequences.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

61 signatures

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