Closed petition Make defibrillators a legal requirement in resturants.

I would like the Government to introduce that ALL resturants have a defibrillator on their premises and a member of staff withing that resturant can carry out basic first aid. Their needs to be a law and this implemented to help save life's

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As a qualified nurse I am shocked that no members of staff within resturants have basic life support education or know what a defibrillator is. This needs to be mandatory and law if they are to provide a service to 1000s of peoplem. In the last month I have had to call a ambulance for two people why out dining one of which resulted in me starting CPR. No member of staff new what to do or where their nearest defibrillator was. This is the first thing the paramedics ask.
Make defibrillator LAW

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

38 signatures

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Share your experience of access to Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)

On 4 November, Jim Shannon MP and Paul Howell MP will lead a debate on public access to Automatic External Defibrillators.

To inform the debate, Jim Shannon MP wants to hear about your experiences. He may quote your contribution directly during the debate.

Find out more and share your ideas with him here:

Videos of the debate, the transcript and other relevant material will be accessible shortly after the debate on this webpage.

The deadline for contributions is midday, 3 November.

What are backbench business debates?

Backbench business debates give backbenchers (MPs who aren’t ministers or shadow ministers) an opportunity to secure a debate on a topic of their choice, either in the Chamber or Westminster Hall.

MPs can make a request for a debate to the Backbench Business Committee, who hears and decides which debates to schedule.

Backbench debates can either be general debates (which do not end in a vote) or be on a substantive motion (which calls for an action and can end in a vote). This debate will be a general debate/ on a substantive motion.