Closed petition Require landlords to provide all prospective tenants with floorplans

The Government should introduce a mandatory requirement to ensure that all landlords provide prospective tenants with a floor plan for the property they’re interested in.

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There are no legitimate reasons for listings to not include a floorplan, yet this information is often absent. Landlords should be required to include this information in all listings.

Looking for rented properties in the UK is incredibly time consuming, and can cause additional stress impacting on people’s work lives. The task of finding the right property is made significantly more difficult when key pieces of information, such as the floorplan, are missing.

Without the floorplan, renters are often required to visit the property just to get an understanding of its size. This wastes both the renter and landlords time, and should not be acceptable.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

23 signatures

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