We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Do not introduce mandatory calorie labelling to all menus.

Ask that eating establishments provide a physical or digital menu that displays nutritional information at the specific request of the customer so that being exposed to calories is a choice, not an obligation.

More details

There is limited evidence to suggest that calorie labelling has any significant impact on overall food purchases of the general population, but what is certain is that this legislation will cause a great deal of distress and anxiety for those who suffer with eating disorders. Many
scientists, health workers, and those who live with eating disorders have called for this legislation to be scrapped. This stategy is dangerous and absolutely not the panacea to rising obesity.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

2,272 signatures

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The impact of body image on mental and physical health – Share your views with MPs

The MPs on the Health and Social Care Committee want to hear your views on the impact of body image on physical and mental health. They have launched a survey covering accessing public health services for body image-related issues and the current public health messaging on obesity. You do not need to have experience of all of these to take the survey. All responses will be anonymous.

Share your views by taking this 10 minute survey: https://forms.office.com/r/Lt8igbwKNU

The survey will remain open until Wednesday 11 May at 5pm.

The responses received will be used to inform the Committee’s inquiry into the impact of body image on mental and physical health. The results will likely be published as part of the Committee’s report on this issue, which will be published following the conclusion of the inquiry later this year, and will contribute to the recommendations the Committee will make to the Government on this topic.

The inquiry

The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry is examining concerns about the relationship between people’s perception of their body image and their physical and mental health. They will consider how far people’s perception of body image can hinder access to NHS services and whether NHS training and Government messaging should be altered.

The inquiry is currently ongoing. So far, the Committee has held two evidence session with activists such as James Brittain-McVey, Lead Guitarist in the Vamps and Campaigner; Alex Light, Journalist and Influencer; Nyome Nicholas-Williams, Model and Activist, and NHS clinical and research experts.

Find out more information about the inquiry, including the written and oral submissions received: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/1674/the-impact-of-body-image-on-mental-and-physical-health/

What is the Health and Social Care Committee?

The Health and Social Care Committee is a cross-party group of MPs that look into the work of the Department for Health and Social Care and associated public bodies.

Find out more about the Committee: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/81/health-and-social-care-committee/

Follow the Committee on Twitter for updates on its work: https://twitter.com/CommonsHealth

The Health and Social Care Committee is a select committee. Find out how select committees work:

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MPs debate Eating Disorder Awareness Week

On Tuesday 28 February, MPs debated Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Some MPs who took part in the debate raised concerns about new requirements for calorie information to be included on menus.

This was a Westminster Hall debate, led by Wera Hobhouse MP. Maria Caulfield MP, a The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, responded to the debate

What are Westminster Hall debates?

Westminster Hall is the second Chamber of the House of Commons.

Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Any MP can take part in a Westminster Hall debate.

Debates in Westminster Hall take place on ‘general debate' motions expressed in neutral terms. These motions are worded ‘That this House has considered [a specific matter]'.

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