We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Remove vape tank size and refill bottle size limits for eliquid from TRPR

The vape tank and eliquid refill bottle volume limits should be removed from the TRPR. They achieve nothing but the frustration of vapers and people who are trying to switch from smoking to vaping, push up costs for consumers and increase the number of plastic bottles and packaging thrown away.

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I switched to vaping with a few friends after smoking 60 a day for over 40 years. The tank being so small means not only do I need to fill it more often but I also need to carry multiple refill bottles with me when I go out. If you are a heavy user like me switching to vaping after smoking so much I need a few refill bottles daily and dread running out when the shops are closed. My friends are all back on cigs as they just could not be bothered with all the hassle. I am trying to stay strong.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

17 signatures

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MPs call for ban on all plastic waste exports

MPs on the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee have called for a ban on the export of all plastic waste from the UK by 2027 to reduce the country's contribution to global plastic waste pollution. 

Read a summary of the Committee's report on plastic waste

Report on ending the impact of plastic waste

Earlier this month, the Committee published a report on the impact of plastic waste and ways of reducing it. In their report, MPs called on the Government to restrict the amount of plastic that can be exported from the UK. They also called on the Government to step up the enforcement of existing rules to prevent criminal gangs illegally exporting and dumping UK-produced waste. 

The report follows a series of evidence sessions earlier this year, where the Committee questions representatives from charities, environmental campaigners and commercial trade experts. At these sessions the Committee explored:

  • whether the Government’s current ambitions to reduce plastic waste were enough
  • how alternatives to plastic consumption can be identified and supported
  • how England's current plastic exports impact other countries.

Find out more about the Committee's inquiry into plastic waste and read oral evidence from the Committee's inquiry.

What is the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee? 

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is a cross-party group of backbench MPs that scrutinises the administration, spending and policy of the Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 

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