This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition CCJs should be sent by recorded delivery

More details

Currently County Court Judgement correspondence is sent out to your last known address via normal post. This results in incorrect CCJs being issued without people knowing as if they have moved they are unable to respond and either pay the money owed or defend their position. This creates more work for the courts as they then have to be set aside, sometimes with a court hearing, it also affects the individual's credit rating and ability to get jobs and means many people are left being owed money, all having a knock on effect on the economy. If they were sent recorded delivery most owed money would be recovered much sooner and those unwilling to pay would be dealt with appropriately.
By signing this petition we are asking the Government to make it compulsory for courts to send correspondence which could lead to a CCJ by recorded delivery.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3 signatures
