We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Exempt urban businesses from dog day care space requirements

The Government should exempt urban businesses from the Animal Welfare Regulations for licensed dog day care to provide 6 m2 per dog.

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These requirements do not factor in the feasibility for businesses to operate in high-cost urban areas, such as London. The law could result in loss of businesses and a reduction in dog welfare.

It will become harder for dog day care businesses to operate in urban areas. There has been a huge rise in dog ownership in urban areas during lockdown, and now that people will start going back into the office there needs to be local and reputable dog daycare options available for them to use. These new and unreasonable DEFRA licensing rules will surely force many small caring dog daycare businesses to close, which would make it harder for many dog owners to properly care for their dogs.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

388 signatures

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