This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Extend Skilled Worker visas to non-managerial hospitality workers

The Government should make skilled non-managerial hospitality workers, such as highly trained sommeliers, cocktail bartenders, Maitre'Ds, eligible for the Skilled Worker visa list to meet pressing labour shortages within the industry.

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Roles such as Sommeliers, Cocktail Bartenders and Maitre'Ds are careers that take years to develop skill and knowledge in. They are non-managerial, highly skilled positions where the UK faces severe shortages Brexit and the pandemic. Many of these skilled workers came from the EU and have left Britain due to hospitality closures and industry uncertainty. Our industry is recovering, but many are operationally unable to open due to UK wide skilled labour shortages.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

295 signatures

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