This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Protect the titles of Interpreters and Translators in law

We want the Government to protect the titles of Interpreters and Translators in law so they can only be used by someone who holds a DPSI Level 6 and/or a MA in Interpreting or Translation, a C2 certificate in English, and are registered with a professional body.

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Many language agencies have been slashing Interpreters’ and Translators’ rates and offer jobs to unqualified and unaccountable bilinguals who are willing to accept low-paid jobs.

We believe this is a liability and means public services are failing to meet their duty of care to provide adequate language services. This has led to qualified professionals not receiving adequate pay, to the point that it is now financially unsustainable to offer their services to public services.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

796 signatures

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