This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Increase funding for treatment of chronic back pain and sciatica.
I would like the govement to fund the NHS to support and treat people who suffer chronic pain and sciatica much quicker
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So many individuals are suffering due to chronic back pain and sciatica pain caused by either spinal cysts, bulging discs etc. The pain these individuals suffer can only be described as excruciating. The pain is that bad they find themselves depressed, been unable to work and claiming benefits, and in some extreme cases taking their own lives. All this has a massive impact on the NHS aswell as DWP . Due to been left by the NHS for so long even before covid I and others have injured and caused damage to other parts of their body by the way they have had to try walk or sometimes crawl to get about. This is unnecessary additional costs on the NHS that does not need to happen and something needs to change
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months