We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Fund free boarding school places for young people unable to live at home

Provide state funding for places at boarding schools, including education and accommodation, for children aged 16+ who are unable to live at home. This may include LGBT or secular children rejected by their families, or children from dysfunctional homes.

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I am a trans-woman who grew up in a religious environment and never had the choice as a child to leave home and live the life I needed to live. I have suffered terribly ever since and, only recently, decades later, have I begun the slow process of transition.
I do not want others to suffer as I have, have their lives robbed from them or face homelessness.
Fully funded places at boarding schools would make it easier for children aged 16+ to choose to leave obstructive homes and live the life of their choice.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

52 signatures

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