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Closed petition Ban the Advertising of Meat and All Other Animal Products

Every year, over 70 billion animals are slaughtered for their meat. The Earth also suffers terribly due to animal agriculture. One way to reduce the sales of animal products, and so reduce animal deaths and the environmental impact, would be to ban the advertising of meat and all animal products.

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When a person buys an animal product (any product that contains animal ingredients or by-products), that money supports the production of more of that product, leading to more animal slaughter and cruelty. People are encouraged to buy animal products via advertising. Ban that advertising, and fewer animal products may be bought, and that means fewer animals slaughtered. This could also have a positive effect on the Earth.

Animal welfare is not enough. All unnecessary killing of animals is wrong. There is no such thing as truly humane slaughter.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

37 signatures

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