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Closed petition Remove offences preventing the humane capture and release of rats

It is currently illegal to release into the wild certain species, including black rats (Rattus Rattus). This means it is illegal to humanely capture and then release these rats. This law needs to be changed so they can be safely relocated.

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Rats are intelligent rodents, similar to squirrels. They will cause no harm unless you scare them. They are only trying to self-preserve and are only aggravated by fear. They should not be treated as vermin. Wild rats are annoying to have on your property, but why do we need to kill them? Why can’t we just move then to a place more suited? It isn’t fair. There is a lot of stigma around rats, and as a pet rat owner I have seen the loveliest side of them. Please allow them to be humanely captured and relocated.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

28 signatures

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