Closed petition The Vegan Petition - Ban Animal Agriculture and Animal Products

Every year, 77 billion animals are killed for food. In the UK alone, 1.2 billion animals are killed. With the exceptions of fish and wild “game” animals, all of these animals suffer abuse and exploitation throughout their lives, before they are violently slaughtered or otherwise killed violently.

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In the animal agriculture industries, animals are routinely mutilated, killed by blunt force, shot, forcibly impregnated, caged, kept in cruel conditions, used and exploited, and ultimately slaughtered violently for their flesh, eggs and dairy.
Animal agriculture also has a huge negative impact on our planet, and a shift to a very healthy, vegan diet could also improve people’s health and reduce the impact of heart disease and cancer on our NHS.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

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