Closed petition Allow students to choose one exam paper per subject to be replaced with TAGs

I want the Government to give GCSE and A-level students the option to change one of their subject papers per subject to Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). This would mean that e.g. if there were 3 Biology papers students can choose out of the 3, 1 they wish to change for TAGS.

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It isn't fair for Year 11/13 students to be sitting exams like the world is back to normal because it is not. Not only did they miss 3 months but many missed lots of school time due to quarantining measures. From the 3 months alone they missed a minimum of 33% of school (not including self-isolation) in the beginning of GCSEs or A-levels. Considering this first year of the courses are the most vital (the literal building blocks) it is unfair to give them unhelpful advance info and expect them to cope.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

12 signatures

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