This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Make alcohol imports for personal use duty and tax free for UK residents

The Government should give UK residents an equal right to buy alcohol, including wine, online from EU countries without excise duty, customs duty or VAT being imposed. This should be subject to a maximum value limit per year. Many products can be bought from EU countries without these duties.

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The world has changed considerably since we joined the EU and subsequently left. People buy from all over the world and until BREXIT this was relatively a simple trouble- and tax-free process. The old days of booze cruises to France have moved on with technology we use the internet to buy so many items and this freedom has been blocked and taken away from British citizens by a change in EU membership. To allow purchases of certain goods and not others is penalisation and not correct.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

82 signatures

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