We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Allow Landlords to Ask for a Higher Deposit from Tenants With Pets

Currently, the law only allows 5 weeks deposit to be paid in advance on rental properties, however this is causing landlords to charge a higher rent from pet owners. I am proposing that landlords should be able to charge a ‘pet deposit’ on top of the security deposit.

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Through out my search for rental accommodation, I’ve encountered several landlords that asked from an extra £20 to £25 per month per pet. This is to cover any damages the pet might cause to the property. Sadly, over time this accumulates to more money than needed to cover any damages the pet might do, and it is unfair on pet owners with pets that don’t cause much damage to the property.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

17 signatures

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