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Closed petition Protect minors from harmful diet pills and muscle-building supplements

Ensure any retail establishment that sells over-the-counter diet pills/supplements for weight loss/muscle building must request a valid ID establishing a person as at least 18 years prior to selling them diet pills and must post a notice provided by the government communicating the dangers of them.

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Most weight-loss products are legally on the market as foods; not subject to legal requirements pertaining to medicines and only 20% of new products are audited yearly on evidence backing their claims. These products have been linked to cases of diarrhoea, blurry vision and liver damage, some severe enough to require transplants, and, in recent years, have even caused death.

By implementing an age-based restriction on sales, we can draw attention to the risks of these products and reduce use among youth.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

57 signatures

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