Rejected petition Change the PIP process to enable faster decision making

The PIP process currently is not fit for purpose. Those people who apply for PIP should not still be waiting from 10 months after application to have a decision on whether the claim is successful or not

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The whole process is very stressful and lengthy waiting and no communication has a detrimental impact to the most vulnerable in our society. In a civilised society it is the Governments responsibility to ensure that the disabled or disadvantaged in our society have the help they need in order to exist in society. The complaints procedure should also be overhauled to ensure complaints can be made and are followed up

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action.

We understand that you're concerned about the existing process for applying for the Personal Independence Payment, but we're not sure exactly what changes you'd like the Government to make to eligibility for this benefit, or how applications are assessed.

You could start a new petition explaining clearly what you would like the Government or Parliament to do.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.