Closed petition Improve GCSE structure: More focus on coursework rather than the final exams

As a current year 11, I know I am not just speaking for myself. I want there to be a thorough review of the GCSE examination system for future teens, allowing there to be greater focus on coursework and gradual assessments rather than the outcome of 5 years of education being based on a final exam.

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While an exam may be a good memory test, it has never been an accurate representation of a persons capabilities and drive. In a day and age where mental health is becoming ever more of a pressing issue, why is there still a system based on 5 weeks of pressure and stress? Coursework gives the opportunity to showcase higher levels of achievement and a prolonged work ethic. It has been proven to work in other subjects (DT, media etc) lets expand this to all subjects that are currently 100% exam!

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

296 signatures

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