This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Provide ring-fenced funding for social housing designed for disabled people
I want the Government to increase availability of social housing specifically designed for disabled people by providing ring-fenced funding for this type of accommodation. The amount of ring-fenced funding should depend on the identified needs of disabled people in local authority areas.
More details
I am registered blind by my local authority Ealing Council, but in the past nine months the council has failed to find me suitable housing.
Local authorities have not invested adequately in housing designed for disabled people. Housing for disabled people should have common safety features, for example: ground floor location for easy access, wide corridors and doors, handle bars in shower room, suitable lighting and many other features. A standardised design should be enough for all types of disabilities, which is what some hotels with accessibility rooms do.
It is unreasonable to expect disable people to bid for unsuitable housing with able bodied people on the local authority bidding systems.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months