Closed petition Seek working holiday visa for young Britons to live and work in EEA countries

For the Government to seek to agree a deal with all EEA member states for young Britons to be able to access a working holiday visa. Agreements are already in place for Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. However, since Brexit opportunities, to work and live in the EEA are limited.

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Estimates indicate over 70% of under 25s voted to remain a part of the EU. The opportunity for young people to work and travel almost anywhere in Europe is something many people can now only dream of rather than turn it into a reality, even when many young people voted to remain.

Whilst we all respect democracy and vote leave won, I believe young Britons should still get a chance to experience living and working in an EEA country of their choice whilst young.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

23 signatures

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