This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make VAT on Second Hand clothing zero rated
Second hand clothing needs to be ZERO VAT rated if the used clothing market is to be able to compete fairly against fast fashion. Vintage/Second Hand clothing stores are having to charge their customers 20% VAT on used items that originally had VAT paid on them. Help make sustainable, affordable.
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Our daily feedback is that consumers, whom would like to shop sustainably, are being forced to buy from fast fashion brands as they can’t afford to shop at vintage/second hand shops. Zero VAT on second hand clothing, as it is on children's clothes, would make used clothing affordable and accessible to everyday customers. Wholesalers could also pass on these savings to smaller stores who aren’t VAT registered themselves, allowing the whole sustainable clothing market to compete with fast fashion.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months