Closed petition Fund a railway line to Dunstable, Bedfordshire.

Dunstable is a growing town. Its nearest railway station, Luton, is around 30 minutes away by public transport. Many people travelling to and from Dunstable have to spend lots of money on taxis or petrol. We believe it would benefit everyone to have a railway station there.

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Although it would be a somewhat costly task, I strongly believe that it would be for the benefit of the community surrounding Dunstable.

Building a railway would it allow much easier access to larger cities such as London, and should increase the attractiveness and prosperity of the town. Countless people travel to Luton to take the trains from their to travel for work and leisure. Building a railway line to Luton would allow then to save money they currently spend getting to Luton.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

20 signatures

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