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Closed petition Motorists re-testing at 65 with 5 yearly re-tests including medical examination.

The UK government to introduce compulsory re testing to all drivers aged 65 years. With on going re testing every 5 years thereafter. This will also include a medical examination test looking at but not limited to eyesight/hearing/reaction time/Diabetes. Full cost to be met by motorist.

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We have an ageing population which is leading to a greater number of elderly motorists on UK roads. General health will not be the same at 65 as it was when passing the driving test at 17 as will knowledge of the highway code too. To keep loss of life to a minimum motorists at 65 then at 5 yearly intervals must be re tested with a medical examination to ensure they can operate a vehicle safely.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

24 signatures

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