This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Require training on Autism for everyone who is in a childcare profession

Provide childcare settings the funding to be able to make sure all their staff are trained in understanding autism and what the signs are so that they are recognised earlier in a child's life and they are given the support both them and their families need. Make it a requirement by law that happens

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More houses are being built to provide homes for people but not enough schools are being built to go with it. The lack of specialist schools for SEND children means a lot have to go into mainstream schools where they are not always supported the best they can due to lack of training, staff and resources in a mainstream school. It is every child's right to have an education (Equality Act and Disability Discrimination Act) and it is the governments job to make sure it happens.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

378 signatures

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Share your experiences: SEND workforce

On Wednesday 22 March, Geraint Davies MP will lead a debate in Parliament on the specialist workforce for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

To inform the debate, he would like to hear about your experiences of accessing SEND specialists. He would also like to hear from anyone who has worked with people with SEND. He may quote your contribution directly during his debate.

Find out more and share your experiences with him by midday on Tuesday 21 March:

Education and health policy are devolved matters, so the UK Government is only responsible for these policy areas in England, but he is interested in hearing from people across the UK.

Videos of the debate, the transcript of what was said in it, and other relevant material will be accessible shortly after the debate on this webpage.

What are Westminster Hall debates?

Westminster Hall is the second Chamber of the House of Commons.

Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Any MP can take part in a Westminster Hall debate.

Debates in Westminster Hall take place on ‘general debate' motions expressed in neutral terms. These motions are worded ‘That this House has considered [a specific matter]'. This means that Westminster debates don’t end in a vote on a particular action or decision.