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Closed petition Remove the 2 child limit for Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit

Today we are faced with the harshest cost of living crisis in years. Energy bills have increased dramatically while inflation is 10.1%.

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In light this I am proposing the UK Government show a little more compassion and help families who have 3 or more children by abolishing the two child limit.

I believe all families deserve to be able to keep their heads above water. Families with 2 children get help for each of those 2 children to feed them and pay the bills so why should families that are larger be treated differently?

Why should larger families be discriminated against or be in a worse position than those with 2 or less children? Why should those children not have full tummies or not be cold in the winter? It's just discrimination not to abolish it.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

56 signatures

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