Closed petition Make free sanitary products in public and workplace toilets a legal requirement

Following on from the new Period Products (Free Provision) Bill in Scotland and the rising cost-of-living, I would like the UK Government to bring in a law requiring all public and workplace toilets to be equipped with free sanitary products, including educational institutions such as universities.

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Everyone deserves access to free sanitary products in public toilets. They are a basic hygiene need, in the same way that toilet paper and hand soap are essential for all genders every day. 

Many of us are often caught out by irregular menstrual cycles, unexpected bleeding in pregnancy and after birth. When there are no products available to manage this, we are left feeling ashamed.

Furthermore, period poverty exists in the UK and it is often the young who are most affected. We can help them.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

63 signatures

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