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Closed petition Publish DWP reports and research that are currently being withheld

We demand that the Government publish reports and research reports or research on the benefit cap, deaths of benefits claimants, the impact of universal credit (UC), benefit sanctions, unpaid carers and work capability assessments. Transparency needs to be at the forefront of progress.

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Following correspondence between the Work and Pensions Committee and DWP, on 14 August 2022 the Guardian reported that the Work and Pensions Secretary "would not publish five reports or research on the benefit cap, deaths of benefits claimants, the impact of universal credit (UC), and benefit sanctions, and that she had no plans to publish two further reports on unpaid carers and work capability assessments."

The public has a right to these reports. It is taxpayer's money that funds benefits and we have a right to know how the government is operating in regard to disabled people. Following Channel 4's Dispatches documentary 'Truth About Disability Benefits' and the horrific examples of disabled people dying, we believe the public's confidence in the DWP is at an all-time low.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

416 signatures

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