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Closed petition Significantly increase the Minimum Income Guarantee.

Although the specific rate for MIG is set by Local Authorities for each area around the country it is based on an amount set by the Department of Health and Social Care in their guidance. This amount needs to be much higher to take into account high inflation and increased energy costs.

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This affects everyone.

• Only 17% of disabled people were born with their disabilities (Source: Institute for Public Policy Research article Work for disabled people)..

• 11 million disabled people in Britain (Source: Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit)

• It could happen to any of us at anytime

• 2% of the working age population becomes disabled every year, 78% of disabled people acquire their impairment aged 16 or older (Source: Employers' Forum on Disability).

Being disabled costs more.

As it stands the Minimum Income Guarantee will not even cover the increase in energy bills/costs. It is supposed to cover All bills, food, clothing and all normal living costs.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

295 signatures

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