This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make continued education/apprenticeships optional for 16 year olds
School as we know can be quite stressful, especially now a days. Children are overworked due to the nature of the education system and the importance of GCSE’s. What I am proposing is that we make continued education after secondary school optional for those who would like to keep going
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The government controls the education board which in return controls how much work a child gets within the education system. Children often get stressed over how much work they are provided with. GCSE’s are the most stressful part of secondary school and they are overloaded with things that must be memorised at vast quantities. You can’t expect children to keep going with this without cracking. I certainly couldn’t. I feel like that making continued education/apprenticeships optional is needed
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months