We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Condemn Iran for human rights violations linked to the regime

We are urging the UK Government to condemn Iran in the strongest possible terms for recent and ongoing human rights violations linked to the regime, including the response to recent protests.

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There have been widespread reports of recent and ongoing human rights violations in Iran, including the arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of protestors. Hundreds of people have been arrested and dozens have died since these protests began.

This is a world human rights issue and we need a strong response from the UK Government and for the UK to take a lead internationally to try and prevent further human rights violations and loss of life.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

362 signatures

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Government responds to petition about uprising in Iran

The Government has responded to a public (paper) petition about recent uprisings in Iran. The petition was presented to the House of Commons on behalf of residents of the United Kingdom.

The petition asks the House of Commons to urge the Government to support the Iranian people's uprising and their desire for democracy.

In response to the petition's request, the Government states that the UK stands with the people of Iran, who it says must be empowered to determine the future of their country.

The Government also states that it has announced eight rounds of human rights sanctions, targeting political, security and prison officials as well as Iran's Prosecutor General.

What are public (paper) petitions?

A public (paper) petition is a petition to the House of Commons presented by an MP.

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