Rejected petition Require floor plans for all property listings

I want it to be a legal requirement for any property websites to include floor plans with metric dimensions on all property listings.

Squared measurements can be misleading in certain rooms, so each dimension should have its own measurement - for example; a kitchen island, as well as the walls.

More details

Rightmove research ( suggests that:

1. Buyers are less likely to enquire about a property without a floorplan
2. A floorplan is more important than the main image or the summary description
3. Home-hunters are less likely to arrange a viewing if there is no floorplan

The above relates to buyers, but it is the same for renters: requiring floorplans will result in less time wasted for all parties.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

The Government is not responsible for the individual decisions of how people market their properties. This is up to people who are selling or renting out their homes.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.