We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition More funding for CAMHS inpatient facilities

Make sure that patients have access to the right care when inpatient in UK CAMHS mental health wards, more training, more awareness and more care for young people in mental health hospital facilities. More staff, more care, more treatments.

More details

Because patients who get admitted to CAHMS inpatient services often come out with more trauma, it is a very inhumane environment and many units have a lack of care and lack of safety when it comes to looking after their patients. People loose there lives because of lack of training. Patients who are discharged struggle with PTSD and flashbacks and nightmares after being in these places. Not all of them are bad, but the majority are. And they need more funding in order to make it a safe and caring environment.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

3,708 signatures

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Government urged to strengthen draft Mental Health Bill by parliamentary committee

A group of MPs and members of the House of Lords has published a report looking at the Government's draft Mental Health Bill. They have called for changes to the draft Bill to address rising numbers of people detained under the Mental Health Act and to tackle racial inequalities.

Specific changes the report calls for include:

  • The creation of a new statutory Mental Health Commissioner to monitor mental health reforms
  • Including respect for racial equality in the Bill
  • Improving how data on detentions under the Mental Health Act is collected and monitored
  • Abolishing Community Treatment Orders for civil patients
  • Strengthening duties regarding community services for people with learning disabilities and autistic people
  • Giving patients who are or have been detained the right to request an advance choice document is drawn up

The report was produced by the Joint Committee on the Draft Mental Health Bill, a cross-party group of MPs and members from the House of Lords that was appointed to consider the Government's draft Bill to reform the Mental Health Act 1983

What is a draft Bill?

A draft Bill is published to enable 'pre-legislative scrutiny', which is the detailed examination of an early draft of legislation. This is done by a parliamentary select committee before the final Bill is drawn up by the Government.

What happens next?

With the publication of its report the Joint Committee’s work is finished.

The Government now must respond to the committee's report, and draw up a final version of the Mental Health Bill. It is up to the Government when to publish a final version of this Bill, and introduce it in Parliament.

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Mental health treatment and support debated by MPs

On 7 June MPs debated mental health treatment and support. This was an opposition day debate on a motion determined by the Labour party.

During the debate MPs discussed funding and staffing of mental health services, and access to these services.

What are Opposition Days?

Opposition days are days allocated in the House of Commons for the discussion of subjects chosen by the opposition (non-government) parties.

Read a research briefing by the House of Commons Library to find out more about Opposition Day debates.

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MPs debate Children's Mental Health Week 2024

On Tuesday 30 January, MPs took part in a Westminster Hall debate on Children's Mental Health week 2024. During the debate MPs discussed how mental health support for young people could be improved.

The debate was led by Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP. The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Maria Caulfield MP, responded to the debate on behalf of the Government.

What is a Westminster Hall debate?

Westminster Hall is the second chamber of the House of Commons. Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local and national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Westminster Hall debates are general debates that do not end in a vote.

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