We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Incorporate menopause into the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) for GPs

QOF is a system for managing performance and paying general practices for providing care to their patients. By incorporating menopause into QOF, GPs should be better motivated and incentivised to recognise symptoms of menopause and treat women accordingly, which should help improve patient outcomes.

More details

A recent study found that almost a third of women who approached their GP said it took many appointments before their GP realised they were experiencing menopause or perimenopause. We believe there is insufficient knowledge amongst GPs to recognise menopause symptoms and have the conversations that help them identify and diagnose it. This can mean GPs spending money and time doing unnecessary investigations or prescribing unnecessary medications. Incorporating menopause into QOF should help improve patient care, and could save GPs time.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

1,452 signatures

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MPs debate a motion on Menopause

On Thursday 26 October, Peter Dowd MP opened a debate in Parliament on menopause. During the debate, MPs discussed the challenges of menopause, raising awareness among medical professionals and access to treatment.

What are backbench business debates?

Backbench business debates give backbenchers (MPs who aren’t ministers or shadow ministers) an opportunity to secure a debate on a topic of their choice, either in the Chamber or Westminster Hall.

MPs can make a request for a debate to the Backbench Business Committee, who hears and decides which debates to schedule.

Backbench debates can either be general debates (which do not end in a vote) or be on a substantive motion (which calls for an action and can end in a vote). This debate was a general debate.

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