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There will be a General Election on Thursday 4 July. This means that Parliament has been dissolved and that all parliamentary business – including petitions – has been stopped.

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Closed petition Allow nut allergy sufferers into the UK Armed Forces

To allow sufferers of any peanut/ nut allergy to join any of the UK forces PROVIDING they sign a disclaimer in the event they may suffer an attack.

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Currently if he/she develop an allergy whilst in the armed forces he/she won’t get medically removed but will have their tours shortened.
I want the government to allow sufferers of any peanut/ nut allergy to join any of the UK forces PROVIDING they sign disclaimer in the event they may suffer an attack. Also if he/she can provide proof they haven’t had to use an EpiPen in the last 2years.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

27 signatures

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