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Closed petition Ban retailers from selling non-recyclable wrapping paper and decoratives.

There are now many options for recyclable, eco-friendly wrapping paper & gifting decoratives (bows, ribbon etc.) yet retailers are still selling a majority of non-recyclable, wasteful products. Many people do not realise that the majority of these products are non recyclable.

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227,000 miles of wrapping paper is thrown away each year. In the UK alone, it is estimated that the amount of wrapping paper the country throws out at Christmas could stretch to the moon! Each year we are adding to this waste, and it’s not going anywhere.

In todays climate it is more important now than ever to prevent waste wherever we can. With alternative options available for eco-friendly gift wrapping it is completely unnecessary that wasteful, non recyclable products are still being sold.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

97 signatures

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