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Closed petition Repeal & Replace PIDA1998 with an Office of the Whistleblower (OWB).

Adopt the Whistleblowing Bill proposed by the APPG for Whistleblowing - To ensure every citizen is protected against retaliation when raising concerns, that concerns are properly investigated & those responsible held to account.


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Our citizens blow the whistle about criminal activities and wrongdoing that put the public at risk but due to flaws in our legislation, they are often ignored at huge cost to society (e.g. Covid). 24 years of data show an inconvenient truth:

- The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 has failed to protect whistleblowers with only 4% of their cases succeeding
- Crimes have gone undetected as no statutory provision exists enforcing investigation in the reported wrongdoing.

An Office of the Whistleblower can provide protection and statutory investigation.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

222 signatures

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