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Closed petition Increase the fixed cost school funding to a minimum of £500,000 per school

Currently small schools are at a disadvantage because their fixed costs represent a higher proportion of all costs than schools with a minimum of 120 pupils. Please allow £500,000 per school plus the per pupil amounts to make funding fairer. Small schools are being forced to close by lack of funding

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Small schools often perform better than large schools but they are being forced to close because after fixed costs there isn't enough left to pay staff and other items related to pupil numbers. Rural and coastal areas are less populated so there will never be a situation where there is a 120 pupil per year demand. Therefore, to make funding fairer they need a substantial amount towards fixed costs in addition to the various per pupil amounts. Children in these areas have to travel by school bus.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

55 signatures

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