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Closed petition Only allow fireworks to be used for official displays on Bonfire Night and NYE

Every year animals die due to the use of fireworks by the public, both pets and wild animals. We believe fireworks should be banned for use by the public, and should only be able to be used for official displays on Bonfire Night and New Year's Eve.

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In the last 5 years RSPCA received 1,621 calls concerning fireworks. Many of these calls could have been avoided if the public didn't have access to fireworks. Animals don't understand what fireworks are, can be left them in a state of severe shock, or even dead. Many animals get lost and can't find their way home. Many animals are more sensitive to noise than humans, the average dogs hearing is 4 times as strong as ours. Animals shouldn't die due to fireworks.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

698 signatures

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