This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Make maternity exemption certificates apply from the start of a pregnancy

Change the way maternity exemption certificates work, so no matter when someone applies for one, it is backdated to the start of pregnancy, to ensure new pregnant women fully benefit from this exemption, and do not face fines.

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Currently these can only be backdated one month prior to application.

I, like many other mums, got the surprise of receiving letters from the NHS being asked to prove maternity exemption. I was never issued a maternity exemption form by my healthcare provider. My GP surgery are saying I had to apply myself, even though, in my past pregnancies, my midwife applied for me.

Making maternity exemption certificates apply from the start of a pregnancy would ensure pregnant women can fully benefit from entitlements to free dental care and prescriptions.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,906 signatures

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