This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Remove 6 year limit on paying voluntary NI Contributions to repair gap in record

Allow people with gaps in their National Insurance record to make voluntary contributions to repair gaps from more than 6 years ago.

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It's common to get a State Pension forecast when approaching retirement. Sometimes this will show gaps in your NI record caused by missing a few weeks when changing job many years ago. Anything less than the full 52 weeks of NI contributions results in THAT WHOLE YEAR NOT BEING COUNTED, so if it took 2 weeks to switch jobs you pay 50 weeks but get NOTHING for that year, if you didn't get National Insurance credits. Currently it is only possible to pay voluntary contributions to repair gaps occurring within the last 6 years. We believe that's unfair, and this limit should be removed.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

72 signatures

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