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Closed petition Extend flight compensation rights to include non-EU airline's flights to the UK

Airlines that operate outside of the EU and UK aren't covered by compensation rules for delays or cancellations to flights to the UK. This is a competitive advantage for those airlines, and can leave travellers out of pocket when faced with delays and cancellations. This is not acceptable.

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I would like to see this legislation amended to include non-EU carriers that operate flights into the UK, so they are legally required to follow the same regulations and laws as the airlines that are based in the UK and EU.

At present companies such as Emirates aren't covered by compensation rules for delays or cancellations to flights to the UK, making it difficult for travellers to hold them to account. This is not acceptable. Banning then from the UK is not a tenable option, but we believe requiring them to abide by these laws is.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

27 signatures

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