This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Require councils remove LTNs and underused bike lanes that lack public support

Require local authorities (LAs) remove low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) and underused bike lanes that lack public support. Change guidance from assuming they remain to requiring removal, unless, in 3 months, the LA can show > 50% approval, using broad, unbiased, independent, local opinion research.

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There's widespread anger at LTNs and other congesting traffic schemes but LAs are not removing them due to statutory guidance and the money they make.

Many were built with no proper consultation as a pandemic measure; but it is over.

We believe these schemes, often justified by doubtful green claims, undermine the law obliging LAs to expedite traffic flow; and create social division, ghettos, gridlock and local economic damage.

The attack on liberty and persecution of motorists is unfair and must stop.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

7,472 signatures

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