Rejected petition death penalty for people who abuse,torture,rape,kill, allow the death of a child

Bring back the death penalty or at least life sentence for people who abuse, torture, rape or allow the death of a child!

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The sentences for these horrific crimes are far to lenient! Its disgusting that these pure Evil people get off so lightly! These
children deserve justice! 3, 5, 8 years is not enough! They deserve life imprisonment or the death penalty in the most gruesome cases!

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action.

It's not clear if you want the Government to make the minimum sentence for the offences you cite life in prison, or the death penalty.

You could start a new petition explaining clearly what you would like the Government or Parliament to do.

We have published the following petitions, which you might like to sign:

Restore the death penalty for serious offences:

Increase minimum and maximum sentences for child sexual offences:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.